About Jimma....

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About Me

Kathryn Hall Cape I think it's important for you to understand I'm just a simple woman who happened to have been given an extraordinary task!! So I'll begin introducing my family to you....starting, of course, with ME. ................. I've been happily married to the same man since December 23, 1975. My husband, Jim, and I had three daughters who grew up and gave us nine (yes, NINE) grandchildren.....five girls and four boys......who you'll get to know later.....if you decide you want to, that is.... ummmmmmm.......I came from a large family....four sisters and five brothers....I'd have to stop and do some serious counting to tell you how many nieces and nephews I have!!!! ......I love my God above all and my family next!! I appreciate more than ever the wonderful friends I've met along life's way.. FINALLY.......all I really want out of life now is to find God's perfect will for me and JUST DO IT!! I never planned to be a Mom again....this is just the way it turned out........My daughter needed help, seeing she had two older children and Jimma was truly a 24/7 baby.... Iam now trying desperately to find God's perfect will in my life....my life MUST count for HIM!!.....sooo. I stumble along...trying to find where it is my feet will take me now............. ok...enough for now, I think.......

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Posted by Kathryn Hall Cape on Thursday, January 5, 2012, In : memories 

Posted by Kathryn Hall Cape on Friday, August 20, 2010
Today marks the eleventh month since that fateful day....that day I wish I could erase from my memory....O that time could have ceased!!!! ....or that it was a horrible dream......YES....maybe it is a dream...a horrible dream.....

I'm gonna wake up now....I open my eyes.... and find my little curly-haired girl next to me...I see her working to get a hold on my hair...she loved to surprize me awake by tugging on my hair when she woke before...

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Posted by Kathryn Hall Cape on Thursday, January 5, 2012, In : memories 

Posted by Kathryn Hall Cape on Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I had an appointment to go to Duke University Hospital to see an eye doctor. They say I need another surgery..and possibly a cornea transplant. That news wasn't the hard part of the trip! You see, Jimma had to make regular trips there to see her metabolic doctor (Dr. Koeberl) .... Everything about the trip brought a flood of memories....It seems that every turn we made I could see the ghosts of the past. I remember, when Jimma got older, ...
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