About Jimma....she would've been eight today

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Today, June 16th, 2010 would have been Jimma's 8th birthday.........So I decided to share her first birthday with you.  She had been through such a long, hard year.  A year packed with miracles!!!......Filled with worry, pain, joy, triumphs, very few failures....none that really counted!!!   You see....the doctors didn't expect our little miracle to see her first birthday...All the odds were stacked against her.......they thought...  according to her diagnosis, she wasn't supposed to grow.....her tests showed her to be deaf.......and cordical blindness was her fate...they said............now LOOK closely at the pictures.........' incognitive' was also among her labels..........Yet.....here she is, our beautiful...curious  little miracle!!!!.......Full of love......given and received......so very far surpassing her diagnosis.....Bringing joy into our lives!!!!...building up our most holy faith!!!!......This seventh grandchild!........This most perfect gift!!!!!!        HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY PRECIOUS ANGEL...MOMMY MISSES YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!

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