About Jimma....miracle of discovery

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 After Jimma's initial hosptialization (at five days old..the first time she almost died), the doctors told me that at any sign of rising temperature..or even if she just seemed to be acting in any way that was not normal for her .. they told me that I should rush her to the hospital!!  You see, her immune system was very compromised and any type of virus or even so-called 'simple childhood illnesses' were life-threatening to her...her little body just didn't have the defences to fight, the kind doctors said!  So, as you can imagine, welllll..."constant vigilance"...sums it up pretty well.  Jimma's core temp was 97 rectally.....so if her temp was 100.5, it was 'high'....and off to the hospital we would scurry...again.  I'm jumping ahead a few months in telling you about this now, but I just have to tell you about what's happening in the picture you see on this page!  You see, even though she spent a lot of time hospitalized.......there was never a time that something pretty cool didn't happen to remind me that my Lord was ever-so-close by our side.......My baby was soo sick...and she had picked up another kind of of 'bug' while she was there...adding to whatever had caused her fever in the first place--'cauz, for the most part, it was hard to discern exactly what would cause Jimma to be sick.....Now, it would be less than honest of me to say I wasn't exhausted...sad...overwhelmed...worried.........Prayer was my constant companion...hoping against hope, it seemed.....long hours of rocking..cuddling..looking into her beautiful face and encouraging her to 'fight!!'  Making eye contact became a crucial tool for us...looking into those beautiful blue eyes became a kind of 'language' for us....

Ya know?   ...that baby taught me the meaning of trust..and faith!!   She always kept a good attitude and a ready smile...no matter what she might be going through!! ..she trusted me..and that caused me, in turn, to trust more in my God........So...back to the story at hand ( no pun intended)...I had just cleaned her up and lay her down---and then this baby .. this beautiful baby that was never supposed to be able to process a thought!!!..this precious gift of life that was said to be BLIND...this child... found her hand!!!!    There she lay, with me  sitting in a chair next to her bed staring into her face...and there was this look   that came across  her face ....  a look of awe as she turned her hand to the right..then to then left....and back to the right again .. YEAH .. as if in utter amazement that this strange-looking thing was actually attached to her!!......there came the expression you see now in the picture....pure satisfaction and contentment.....that thing was hers..

I gotta tell ya!!!!   Every heavy weight suddenly seemed to lift!!  No longer did I feel the burdens of the world pressing me down..down..down.........Yet another miracle had just taken place!!!!!   My God really was ....watching over us!!!  For, you see, my baby--who was diagnosed as being 'incognitive'...projected never to be able to process a thought....had discovered and recognized..her hand........that beautiful hand that would wrap the tiny fingers around my finger and hold on so very tight...

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