About Jimma.....my purpose in sharing

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I sincerely hope that you will bookmark this site and visit us regularly!!  I plan to share various tidbits  of Jimma's miraculous life as often as I can.  There's so much to tell and I pray that hope and healing can come to those who find themselves facing the mountains that we have been blessed to have traveled across.  Although the passage may seem  uncrossable when the road is ahead...once you've conquered  the obstacles and fought your way through, you find that the rewards are far greater than any sacrifices made during the journey.....So, please, if you know of anyone who might gain from our experiences, please direct them to this site..and help us spread hope...........I don't pretend to know everything, but I do know the One Who does!! ....and I know that the impact my Jimma made is still echoing...and will continue to echo through time!!  So often  I yearned for an understanding ear....someone who'd been there.....so, all I'm asking is that if you know  of someone who could use incouragement.....just give them a chance to decide if this site can help.......Thanks so much!!!!!

Jimma Gabrelle was born on Sunday, June 16, 2002.  She weighed five pounds, one ounce......I had never seen a newborn with pain in her eyes before....little did we know what lay ahead.....

Just a quick introduction to the gang of nine....CJ, our oldest...on his 13th birthday in 2009---holding Jimma and his baby brother, Nathan...who is the youngest....more  intros later......

Jimma loved playing dress-up.....at home or in the hospital.....it was all the same to her!!!!   Anytime was fun time!!!!! 

 Daddy's little girl always ready for kisses from her favorite playmate!!

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